November/December 2013. Bill Bogardus sent a note about Ted Neill's hip replacement surgery. Recovery went well thanks to Sharleen Bowen's pep talk with Ted prior to the procedure. Maintenance and replacement parts; something we all may have to consider. Gerry Hills '68 invites alumni and guests to the second Virgin Island Flotilla (Return of the Green) to sail May 11-20, 2014. Contact Gerry at if interested. C. Michael Tucker of New Haven, Connecticut participated in the Falmouth Road Race (Mike ran it in 2011 as well). Head Class Agent John L. Kornet, Jr. summarized the Class’s successful College Fund campaign. The Class raised $224,119 with 46% participation (324 classmates). Congratulations to the volunteers for their continued class support. In late August and early September, Robert Piampiano led the Class Connections with the class of 2017 at the Second College Grant. The 50 Year Reunion book team of John Isaacs ( and me has been joined by Robert H. Davidson, Jr. ( The book and a companion DVD will capture perspectives on the milestones of our era. Guys, we need your input on the following issues! What kinds of essays (or articles or video interviews), how long, what themes, how personal, how autobiographical, how much related to the College, how much related to the 1960s, how do you want to describe what contributions you have made? The theme for the original Aegis yearbook was "change". How would you want to update that theme? Help so far has included: John Manaras offered a copy of the '68s 40th reunion book; Andy Danver ( shared the '62s 50th reunion DVD; and Sam Ostrow provided a link to some Yale reunion film documentaries produced by Rick Okie (Legacy Documentaries). Check out what earlier alumni classes produced for their 50 year reunion musings (for example: If you have personal photos or films of your College years you can share, let us know. Collectively all of us have put together similar types of projects. Help John, Bob, Sam, and the 50 Year Book team assemble a work to remember. Post your ideas on the ’67 Class website on the blog page, or on the LinkedIn Class of 1967 group page for discussion and/or send me a copy. [Warning: personal whine follows] It may help me cope with the Sequestration debacle and my Furlough Fridays (no pay but my obligations for grading and preparing classes remain as I work weekends with no air conditioning in my office at Fort Sam Houston). Keep me posted. Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to or call 210-344-0942