January/February 2015. Andrew Barrie (andybarrie@gmail.com) of Toronto, Canada has been admitted to the Order of Canada for his achievements in Canadian broadcasting and for his advocacy on behalf of those living with Parkinson’s disease. From 1995 to 2010, Andy was the host for the Metro Morning talk and current affairs show on CBC Radio in Toronto. In 2010, Andy received an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Toronto’s York University. The Order of Canada is the second highest honor for merit. An impressive honor for former Othello in Professor Finch’s English 2 class production (see Dartmouth Alumni Magazine: May, 1964, p.21). Ed Gray of Lyme, New Hampshire might be the last ’67 still booting a micro startup, but what the hell. His screenwriter friends launched a Kickstarter campaign for Aisle Seat Books. Details on the project are available. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1438226573/aisle-seat-books Anyone who wants information about Kickstarter should talk with Ed (ed@graybooks.net) or use the Facebook link https://www.facebook.com/AisleSeatBooksKickstarter John Lobitz (johnlobitz@gmail.com) of Denver, Colorado wrote of his golf reunion with Buzz Land and Russ Hoverman. John is a retired gastroenterologist, Buzz is a pediatrician in Burlington, Vermont, and Russ is an oncologist in Austin, Texas. Conversations revealed common interests in palliative care and end of life healthcare wishes. Palliative care is an important conversation to have with your healthcare providers before it is too late. Fred H. Marcusa (fred.marcusa@kayescholer.com) of New York, New York, a Corporate Partner in Kaye Scholer’s New York office, was named “Chevalier” (Knight) of the French Legion of Honor, France’s highest award. He received the award in recognition of his merits and accomplishments in fostering the economic relationship between France and the United States. A concert flutist who has played several solo recitals at Carnegie Recital Hall, Fred ended the ceremony by playing on his flute a short French piece by Philippe Gaubert. Fred is father of two Dartmouth sons. The Alumni Council of the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth honored Robert L. Thurer (rthurer@gmail.com) of Boston, Massachusetts at its annual achievement awards celebration at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. The outstanding service award was presented to Dr. Robert L. Thurer in recognition of his leadership roles on the Alumni Council, as a representative to the Dartmouth College Alumni Council, and as a member of the medical school’s Board of Overseers. A cardiothoracic surgeon, clinical educator, and recognized expert in several fields of surgery, Bob has served in leadership roles for his class and in advisory roles for the medical school.   Stay well! Keep me posted. Dave Mangelsdorff, 3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to dmangels@idworld.net or call 210-344-0942