July/August 2015. Mark your calendar to attend the 70th Birthday in Hanover, July 17 - 18. Dine with the 17s on Friday night. Take an historical tour of the campus Saturday morning, and experience the College's new Arts Complex Saturday afternoon. Dinner, music, dancing at Gail and John Wasson's barn on Saturday night. Contact Paul Killebrew to reserve your piece of birthday cake (paulkillebrew@me.com). Frederick Schauer, the David and Mary Harrison Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Virginia (UVA), has authored another scholarly work The Force of Law. Most of the book was completed while he was on sabbatical leave from the UVA; Fred spent much time at Columbia Law School and sharing his ideas at varying forums where he honed his arguments. His thesis asserts that coercion, more than internalized thinking and behaving, distinguishes law from society’s other rules. The legal system depends on force. The book contributes to the jurisprudence debates as it describes what law is, how it operates, and how it helps organize society. Fred has contributed several other books about law and legal reasoning. Received a quick note from Michael A. Stevens of Tucson, Arizona. Mike graduated from Dartmouth Medicine School in 1968, earned his MD from the University of Pittsburgh in 1970, served in the Army as a flight surgeon, and later took an MBA from Wheeling Jesuit College in 1990. He specialized in Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. Mike was the chief medical officer of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan’s managed care plans. He practiced medicine until his retirement in 1997. Mike and wife Maxine travel quite a bit and otherwise relax in Arizona. Mike alerted me to the death of Dartmouth medical school classmate, Ron Van Dewoestine. Ron Van Dewoestine of Riverside, California died May 27, 2014. Ron came to the College from Andover High School in Massachusetts. He majored in Biology, was a brother of Sigma Phi Epsilon, graduated from Dartmouth Medical School in 1968, and earned his MD at the University of Pittsburgh in 1970. He served in the Army and was stationed in Vietnam in 1973 as a flight surgeon along with Mike Stevens. Ron left the Army as a major in 1977, relocated to Riverside, California, and joined the Family Practice Group at Riverside Community Hospital. In 1982, he opened his solo practice. He was the senior flight surgeon for the Federal Aviation Authority in southern California. Stay well! Keep me posted. Dave Mangelsdorff, 3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to dmangels@idworld.net or call 210-344-0942