Jan/Feb 2005. Richard Clapp, a professor at the Boston University School of Public Health in Boston, MA was interviewed for a perspective in The Lancet (Oct. 2, 2004). Some excerpts are included. Q: The greatest achievement of your career? RC: Identifying excess soft tissue sarcoma in Vietnam veterans, which was a basis for compensation of veterans and families. Q: And the greatest embarrassment? RC: None really stands out from life's many embarrassments. Q: What is the best piece of advice you have received, and from whom? RC: Illegitimi non carborundum est, from an anonymous source. If you recall your Latin that translates to roughly don't let the bastards grind you down. Good thought! David Larson wrote that he started a new job at the Coast Guard R&D Center in Groton, CT as a Coast Guard civilian government employee. Most of the work will involve electro-optic sensors and Search & Rescue projects. Dave gave up on government contracting after 25 years of analysis of mostly naval weapons systems. He felt it was time to do something more useful. Philip Szold is a pediatrician in La Mesa, CA. A nudge from Fergie Coulter prompted Flip to add to the class news. He left the College early to take pre-med classes at Bradley University in home town Peoria, IL and got accepted at Marquette University Medical School. Flip has been practicing pediatrics in San Diego since 1975 and loving it. His son Trevor lives in Oceanside and daughter, Devri is in Carlsbad. The light of his life is his wife, Cindy. Flip reports he finally got the motorcycle he always wanted. He sees Kurt and Chris Wendelyn every couple of years in their home in Porterville, CA. He adds having a guest bedroom available at all times. David Lowenstein is reaching out trying to increase '67 participation in the Dartmouth College Fund. Contact him if you can assist. Look for news from the mini-reunions in Washington and San Francisco. Remember the 60th birthday party during October 7-9, 2005 and help Bruce Pacht with the party and 40th Reunion planning. Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to dmangels@txdirect.net 210-344-0942