May/June 2005. Walter R. Smith, a partner in the law firm of Burke, Smith, and Jaikes in Dartmouth, MA was awarded the St. Thomas More medal for distinguished service. Walt is active in community activities serving on the Dartmouth School Committee from 1977-92; former director and president of the New Bedford Boys & Girls Club; member of St. Julie Billiart Church in North Dartmouth where he is a minister of holy communion and co-chairman of the Building Fund. Walt earned his law degree from Boston College Law School in 1970. Bob Dressler of Fort Lauderdale, FL provided an update. Residents of South Florida were lucky, escaping most of the damage from the recent hurricanes. The Dressler children are doing well. Katie, a high school junior, is getting serious about academics. James, a junior at Southern California, is looking toward graduate school in business. Bob reports being in his 30th year as a lawyer and 15th year having his own practice. Rich Paolino reported on the Rhode Island get together in October. There were 11 for golf: Joe Alviani, Tom Pyles, Larry and Sharleen Bowen, Bill Bogarus, Steve Cheheyl, Sam Ostrow, Ted Neill, Tom Grove (who flew in from Utah), Beth and Rich Paolino. Carole Pyles joined for cocktails before she and Tom left for Washington, DC. There were fewer participants due to travel, illness, and parent's weekend conflicts. The event was held at the Rhode Island Country Club on Narraganset Bay in Barrington, RI. Expect the RI event again next September. Rich and Beth anticipate being at the class 60th birthday party during October 7-9, 2005. Classmates interested in helping with the 60th party and 40th Reunion planning should RSVP Bruce Pacht ( Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to 210-344-0942