July/Aug 2005. Sam Ostrow reports seeing Jim Peck at the April reception for President Jim Wright in New York. Jim is a partner in the Bankruptcy/Restructuring Practice at Schulte Roth & Zabel in New York City, and recently built a house in Southampton. Pat Horgan and seven other former GE executives started Paladin Associates, Inc. in Atlanta, consulting with companies on productivity and profitability issues. Pat reports having fun. Mike Tucker is looking for more 67's to serve as mentors in our Dartmouth Partners in Community Service program, as well as to work with him on DPCS Board matters. E-mail Mike at ArchCMT@aol.com. Andy Danver reports that he is very hopeful of having mini-Reunion dinners in June and the Fall in the San Francisco area. E-mail Andy at jdanver@ix.netcom.com. Stanley Smoyer '34, father of our classmate Bill Smoyer, made a gift for a new soccer facility in honor of coach Whitey Burnham. Bill died in Viet Nam soon after graduation. Bill's sister Nancy wrote that she is into her fifth year working part-time as a counselor at the Vet Center in Fairbanks, Alaska. She chairs Stand Down - an event for veterans services. Nancy continues to go to Washington every Veterans Day to volunteer at the Wall. Last year she met with Warren and Brammie Cook, then later visited with Dick and Paula Clapp who live next door to her brother, David,'63, in Jamaica Plain, MA. Tad Campion joined them for a nice evening of connecting and reconnecting. Howard F. Sharfstein, a partner in the NYC law firm Schulte, Roth & Zabel will offer an estate planning seminar during Alumni Reunion Week in June. Howard is an expert in estate planning. Remember to contribute to the College Fund; gifts at any level help. Join the class 60th birthday party during October 7-9, 2005. Classmates interested in helping with the 60th party and 40th Reunion planning should RSVP Bruce Pacht (bruce@uds.org) Check and post your news at the Class website http://www.dartmouth.org/classes/67/ Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to dmangels@txdirect.net 210-344-0942