November/December 2005. David R. Brown of Pasadena, CA has been appointed executive director of Descanso Gardens. Dave earned a MA in English from Trinity College in 1968 and is a graduate of the Tuck Executive Program. He began his career in New York as a writer. In 1977, he joined Champion International Corporation where he served as director of creative services. He changed to the Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, CA in 1985 where he served as president and CEO until 1999. In 2003, while consulting with Pasadena-based Arroyo Partners, Dave was recruited to serve as president of The Oxbow School. Dave is married to Judy and has three children: Johanna, Garrett, and Meredith. Thomas Kosasa of Honolulu, HI pioneers infertility treatment in Hawaii, flies Air Ambulance missions on the weekends, directed the architectural design of his home, is a champion race car driver, consults with the federal Food and Drug Administration, and lectures on the latest advances in reproductive endocrinology at the University of Hawaii School of Medicine. He earned his medical degree at the McGill University in Montreal in 1971. He is an expert skier, scuba diver, and shooter, all skills requiring precision and technology. Tom says his main interest is delivering babies. He is medical director of the Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute. Tom is married to Myrah Higa. Paul Stuart Meltzer of Rockville, MD, is a senior investigator at the National Human Genome Research Institute. His lab studies the genes and mechanisms involved in cancer cell development. His areas of focus include analyses of gene expression, gene amplification, and chromosomal abnormalities. Paul earned a Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology in 1972 and then M.D. from University of Tennessee in 1980. Sad to report that Josiah Whitaker Powell, IV of Oakland, CA died in March. He left college early moving to California in 1965 where he earned a degree from the University of California at Berkeley. He worked as a chemist in the Food and Drug Administration before retiring. An ardent bicyclist, a favorite pastime was coasting down Telegraph Avenue from Oakland to the UC campus in Berkeley. In 1976 he rode the Bikecentennial Trail west-to-east. Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to 210-344-0942