September/October 2006. Richard Clapp wrote that he went to St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands with his family. Dick looked up Peter Muilenburg, who lives there with his wife Dorothy. Peter started out in our class, then went to Mississippi to work on voter registration. He wound up staying for an academic year, and eventually graduated in 1968. Peter has been sailing in the Caribbean and taking people on charters for almost four decades. He has written a book about some of his experiences "Adrift on a Sea of Blue Light. Peter has two sons, one of whom graduated from Dartmouth (Rafael Muilenburg '92) and the other from Colby. Peter would love to have visitors come to St. John. President Bush announced his intention to nominate Wayne Cartwright Beyer to be a Member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, for the remainder of a five-year term expiring July, 2010. Wayne currently serves as an Administrative Appeals Judge at the Department of Labor. Prior to this, he served as an Attorney for the Office of the Corporation Counsel. Earlier in his career, Wayne served as Principal Deputy General Counsel for the General Services Administration. Bruce Pacht has new contact information ( He is now the executive director of the Twin Pines Housing Trust, in White River Junction. Bruce is also the point of contact for our class 40th reunion scheduled to be held in June 11-14, 2007. Details are forthcoming on the Great Class of 1967 webpage. On a personal note, I received the inaugural Distinguished Faculty Service Award from the Army-Baylor University Graduate Program in Health and Business Administration. The award recognizes my volunteer work in San Antonio which included organizing a city-wide workshop and conference addressing Mental Health Consequences of Recent Disasters: From Oklahoma City to Katrina. Be a volunteer; consider it a worthwhile investment in your community. Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to 210-344-0942