March/April 2008. Wayne C. Beyer in Washington, DC provided an update. Since his Presidential recess appointment as a member of the Federal Labor Relations Authority was coming to an end in December without the Senate acting on his nomination, Wayne gratefully accepted the Secretary of Labor's offer to return to a position on the Administrative Review Board as an administrative appeals judge (where he had served between February 2002 to December 2006). Michael Ryan of Biddeford, Maine gave his perspective that reunions are every day. Mike says he was there at Reunion; we just couldn't see him. Where does the 5-year slice-of-life go? Two central events: finally went coastal; zip 04005; ayup, that's Maine and can hear all snowbirds and Vero and Charlestown types laughing and something about too much N.H. granite; do run a tab at local pound and recognized as regional leader in search for world's largest 1.5 lb. lobster. Solitude soothing after our son's encounter with the harsh teacher Hodgkins 3s with its abvd cycles that captivate the mind. Remission now allows smiles and find comfort in relentless Hanover memories: who could identify a svelte Hawaiian- shirt clad (once plump 67er) judge who often advised "keep eye on de donut and not de hole?" Ya basta Amigos, hasta... Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to or call 210-344-0942.