May/June 2008. Thomas D. Rath of Concord, New Hampshire remains active in the Republican Party nomination process in support of Mitt Romney. Tom appeared on CBS News Sunday Morning in a television story entitled "Diners Key in New Hampshire Elections." Tom offered commentary about the significance of the diner in the first-in-the-nation primary. "In New Hampshire you go to the diners because that's where the people are," explaining the potential strategies of a presidential candidate. "You do it to say, I'm a regular person, I understand the way you live." He is the founder of his law firm (Rath, Young, and Pignatelli) and former Attorney General of New Hampshire (1978-80), and has been actively involved in government relations since entering private practice in 1980. Good to get an insider perspective on New Hampshire politics. Sad to report the death of Christian Walter Fueloep-Miller of Burlingame, California who died in November, 2005. No details were available. Unfortunately, there are more obits in future columns. Send me some positive news to report. Dave Mangelsdorff (3410 Turtle Village Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78230-3918) e-mail to or call 210-344-0942.