Mauet, Thomas A., Professor of Law and Director of Trial Advocacy. A.B., 1967, Dartmouth College; J.D., 1970, Northwestern University.

Phone Number: (520)621-1045


In addition to directing and teaching in the College's Trial Advocacy Program, Professor Mauet teaches Evidence and Criminal Procedure. Before joining the College Faculty, he spent ten years as a trial lawyer in Chicago, including seven years as a prosecutor with the Cook County State's Attorney and the U.S. Attorney's Office. His books include: Fundamentals of Trial Techniques, Third Edition, Materials in Trial Advocacy: Problems and Cases, Third Edition, Pretrial, Third Edition and Materials in Pretrial Litigation: Problems and Cases. He has been an Arizona Superior Court Judge pro-tem and in 1988-89 taught at George Washington University as the Howrey Professor of Trial Advocacy. He also has served as a visiting faculty member at Washington University and Harvard Law School. His research interests include the application of social science research to the jury trial process.