Jack Sinnigen
Modern Languages and Linguistics
Baltimore, Md. 21250



A.B.1967 Dartmouth College,cum laude. Highest Distinction as a Spanish major. Phi Beta Kappa.

M.A.1968 Johns Hopkins University.

Ph.D.1971 Johns Hopkins University.

Experience in Higher Education

1976-present University of Maryland Baltimore County. Associate Professor of Spanish.

Spring 1990- Spring 1995 University of Maryland College Park. Visiting Associate Professor of Spanish.

1971-1976 University of Maryland Baltimore County. Assistant Professor of Spanish.

Study Abroad Posts

Fall 1996, Fall 1992. Faculty Director. University of Maryland System Maryland in Mexico City Program. Semester program for advanced students in Spanish language and Latin American Studies.

Fall 1996, Summer 1995, Fall 1992. Visiting Professor. Center for the Instruction of Foreign Students. National Autonomous University of Mexico.

Summer 1995. Director. Mexican Art and Culture in an Intercultural Perspective. Program for elementary and secondary teachers of art, social studies, and Spanish. Mexico City and Taxco.

Administrative Posts

Fall 1994-present. Chair. Mexico Committee, University of Maryland System International Faculty and Administrators Association.

Fall 1994-present. Coordinator of Admissions and Financial Aid. MA in Intercultural Communication. Modern Languages and Linguistics. University of Maryland Baltimore County.

September 1987-June 1992. Director of Graduate Studies. MA in Intercultural Communication. Modern Languages and Linguistics. Modern Languages and Linguistics. University of Maryland Baltimore County.

September 1984-July 1986. Chair. Modern T anguages and Linguistics. University of Maryland Baltimore County.

Grants and Fellowships

United States Department of Education Group Projects Abroad. $38,000. "Mexican Art and Culture in an Intercultural Perspective" for elementary and secondary teachers of art, social studies, and Spanish. Mexico City and Taxco, Mexico. March 1 - August 30, 1995.

Selected Publications


Sexo y politico: lectures galdosianas. Madrid: De la Torre, 1996.

Narrativa e ideologia. Madrid: Nuestra Cultura, 1982.


"Histories nacionales y pasionales." Actas del Ouinto Congreso International de Estudios Galdosianos. 1995. Vol. 1. 283-90.

"Melodrama y religión: La Novelistica de Catalina MacPherson." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (21) 1994: 35-56.

"Crisis sociales y psicosexuales." Insula 561 (Sept. 1993): 31-32.

"Symbolic Struggles: Literary Study, Social History, Value Judgments." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos 27 (1993): 437-47.

"Sexo y clase social en Fortunata y Jacinta: Opresidn, represion, expresidn." Anales Galdosianos 22 (1987): 53-70.

"El desarrollo combinado y desigual y La muerte de Artemio Cruz." Cuadernos Hisnanoamericanos 396 (June 1983): 697-707.



"Como agua para chocolate: Feminist Space, Postmodern Cultural Politics, National Allegory. " CIEFL Bulletin.

"El largo viaje y Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez: la solidaridad y la distinción." In the proceedings of the Primer Congreso International: "El exilio literario español de 1939."

Professional Activities

Papers Presented at Professional Meetings

"El largo viaje y Autobiografía de Federico Sánchez: la solidaridad y la distinción." Primer Congreso Internacional: "El exilio literario español de 1939." Barcelona, November 27 -December 1, 1995.

"Del TLC a la Propuesta 187: el zigzagueo de las relaciones entre Estados Unidos y México. " Third International Symposium. "México en el umbral del siglo XXI. " Instituto Tecnol6gico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Veracruz. March 22-24, 1995.

"EI Quintocentenario y el discurso nacionalista: tres ejemplos." Fifth Congress of Cuban and North American Philosophers. Havana, Cuba. June 1993.

"Percepciones y política: Estados Unidos frente a Latinoamérica." International Symposium on Latin American Philosophical Thought. Santa Clara, Cuba. January 1992.

Courses Taught Selected

SPAN Courses

All levels of Spanish language (SPAN 101, 102, 201, 202, 301, 302).
Introduction to Spanish Honors (SPAN 300H).
Introduction to Spanish Literature (SPAN 311).
Introduction to Latin American Literature (SPAN 312 and SPAN 312H).
Spain Since the Civil War (SPAN 303).
Modern Spanish Society (SPAN 471).
Topics in Hispanic Literature (SPAN 421, SPAN 421H, SPAN 621).
Topics in SPAN 421/621 have included:

Don Quijote
Contemporary Latin American Narrative (several times, with a changing corpus of texts)
Mexican Narrative (twice, also with a changing corpus of texts)
Interculturality in Hispanic Literary Texts
The Novels of Benito Perez Galdós and Emilia Pardo Bazán
The Novels of Benito Perez Galdós (several times with a changing corpus of texts)
Julio Cortázar
Galdós: Novels, Television, Film

MLL Courses

The Political Economy of Culture (MLL 603).

Textual Analysis (MLL 301).

Community Service

Discussant. Panel on the film Manufacturing Consent, directed by Mark Achbar and Peter Wintonick, dealing with Noam Chomsky. Baltimore Film Forum. October 15, 1993.

Coordinator of the editorial board of Basta!, the newsletter of the Baltimore Central America Solidarity Committee. Regular contributor of articles on Central America, Mexico, and Cuba.

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